
Thursday 27 June 2013

Epidermal Electronic System

   A demonstrative platform of a typical EES is shown in above Fig integrating a collection of multifunctional sensors (such as temperature, strain, and electrophysiological), micro scale light-emitting diodes (LEDs), active/passive circuit elements (such as transistors, diodes, and resistors), wireless power coils, and devices for radio frequency (RF) communications (such as high-frequency inductors, capacitors, oscillators, and antennae), all integrated on the surface of a thin (~30 μm), gas-permeable elastomeric sheet based on a modified polyester (BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany) with low Young’s modulus (~60 kPa).

In this paper i present a new technology called EES in which a number of conventional medical diagnosis systems are fabricated onto a single polymer and this polymer is attached to skin of a patient who needs to be diagnosed regularly. This solves the problems of regular diagnosis of patients faced by majority of health facilities.
                                      we report classes of electronic systems called EES that achieve thicknesses, effective elastic moduli, bending stiffnesses, and areal mass densities matched to the epidermis the capability which a Traditional wafer-based technologies do not have  .Therefore EES devices are being developed which can be laminated onto the skin which leads to conformal contact and adequate adhesion in a manner that is mechanically invisible to the user.EES systems incorporate electrophysiological, temperature, and strain sensors, as well as transistors, light-emitting diodes, photo detectors, radio frequency inductors, capacitors, oscillators, and rectifying diodes for electrophysiological measurements like heartbeat etc…
                Physiological measurement and stimulation techniques that exploit interfaces to the skin have been of interest for more than 80 years, beginning in 1929 with electroencephalography from the scalp. In these techniques small numbers of bulk electrodes are mounted on the skin via adhesive tapes, mechanical clamps or straps, or penetrating needles using conductive gels these are in turn connected to boxes that house collections of rigid circuit boards, power supplies, and communication components. These systems have many important capabilities, but they are poorly suited for practical application outside of research labs or clinical settings because of difficulties in establishing long-lived, robust electrical contacts that do not irritate the skin and in achieving integrated systems with overall sizes, weights, and shapes that do not cause discomfort during prolonged use.
      We introduce a different approach called EES in which the electrodes, electronic devices, sensors, power supply, and communication components are configured together into ultrathin, low-modulus, lightweight, stretchable “skin-like” membranes that can be  laminated onto the surface of the skin by soft contact, in a manner that is mechanically invisible to the user, much like a temporary transfer tattoo.
What does an EES consists of?

Material related design strategies:-
 The devices and interconnects exploit ultrathin layouts (<7 μm), neutral mechanical plane configurations, and optimized geometrical designs.
The active elements use established electronic materials, such as silicon and gallium arsenide, in the form of filamentary serpentine nanoribbons and micro- and nanomembranes.
To  result in a high-performance system that offers these reversible, elastic responses to large strain deformations with effective moduli (<150 kPa), bending stiffnesses (<1 nN m), and areal mass densities (<3.8 mg/cm2) the   orders of these parameters should be smaller .Unfortunately this can’t be achieved using  conventional electronics or even with recently explored flexible/stretchable device technologies .Therefore a gas-permeable elastomeric sheet based on a modified polyester developed by BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany with low Young’s modulus (~60 kPa).
 Water-soluble polymer sheets [polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) (Aicello, Toyohashi, Japan); Young’s modulus, ~1.9 GPa; thickness, ~50 μm serve as temporary supports for manual mounting of these systems on the skin in an overall construct that is directly analogous to that of a temporary transfer tattoo.
                                                                                                 Image of a demonstration platform for multifunctional electronics with physical properties matched to the epidermis. Mounting this device on a sacrificial, water-soluble film of PVA, placing the entire structure against the skin, with electronics facing down, and then dissolving the PVA leaves the device conformally attached to the skin through van der Waals forces alone, in a format that imposes negligible mass or mechanical loading effects on the skin.
 The image in Fig 1B, top, is of a device similar to the one in Fig 1A, after mounting it onto the skin by washing away the PVA and then partially peeling the device back with a pair of tweezers. When completely removed, the system collapses on itself because of its extreme deformability and skin-like physical properties, as shown in Fig 1B, bottom (movie S1).

                                 Fig 1B
         EES partially (top) and fully (bottom) peeled away from the skin. (Inset) A representative cross-sectional illustration of the structure, with the neutral mechanical plane (NMP) defined by a red dashed line.

                                Fig 1C
                Multifunctional EES on skin: undeformed (left), compressed (middle), and stretched (right).

                                      Fig 1D
       A commercial temporary transfer tattoo provides an alternative to polyester/PVA for the substrate; in this case, the system includes an adhesive to improve bonding to the skin. Images are of the backside of a tattoo (far left), electronics integrated onto this surface (middle left), and attached to skin with electronics facing down in undeformed (middle right) and compressed (far right) states.
              Understanding the mechanics of this kind of device, the mechanophysiology of the skin, and the behavior of the coupled abiotic-biotic system are all important. For present purposes, the skin can be approximated as a bilayer, consisting of the epidermis (modulus, 140 to 600 kPa; thickness, 0.05 to 1.5 mm) and the dermis (modulus, 2 to 80 kPa; thickness, 0.3 to 3 mm). This bilayer exhibits linear elastic response to tensile strains 15%, which transitions to nonlinear behavior at higher strains, with adverse, irreversible effects beyond 30%. The surface of the skin has wrinkles, creases, and pits with amplitudes and feature sizes of 15 to 100 μm and 40 to 1000 μm,respectively. The devices described here have moduli, thicknesses, and other physical properties that are well matched to the epidermis, with the ability to conform to the relief on its surface. We therefore refer to this class of technology as an “epidermal electronic system” (EES).
Macroscopic view:
Macroscopically, an EES on skin can be treated as a thin film on an epidermis–dermis bilayer substrate. Microscopically, the sizes of the individual electronic components and interconnects are comparable with those of relief features on the skin and therefore must be considered explicitly. We began by considering aspects of adhesion, in the macroscopic limit. Globally, detachment can occur in either tension or compression because of interfacial cracks that initiate at the edges or the central regions of the EES, respectively. Low effective moduli and small thicknesses minimize the deformation-induced stored elastic energy that drives both of these failure modes. Analytical calculation shows that compared with silicon chips (thickness of ~1 mm) and sheets of polyimide (thickness of ~75 μm), the driving forces for delamination of the EES/skin interface are reduced by more than seven and four orders of magnitude, respectively. The critical delamination strain is plotted in Fig. 2A as a function of PDMS thickness for two different formulations: one with a modulus of 19 kPa (50:1) and the other 145 kPa (30:1) (fig. S1C). The results, both theory and experiment, confirm that reducing the modulus and thickness lowers the driving forces for interface delamination for a given applied strain without lower bound.

                                    Fig 2(A)
 Plots of critical tensile (left) and compressive (right) strains for delamination of a test structure consisting of films of PDMS on substrates of polyester, designed to model the EES/skin system. Data for formulations of PDMS with two different moduli are shown (red, 19 kPa; blue, 145 kPa). The critical strains increase as the PDMS thickness and modulus decrease, which is consistent with modeling results.

                             Fig 2(B)   
                Optical micrograph of an EES with FS design (left). The plot (right) shows the stress-strain data from uniaxial tensile measurements for two orthogonal directions. Data collected from a sample of pig skin are also presented. The dotted lines correspond to calculations performed with finite element modeling.

                              Fig 2 (C)
    Skin of the forehead before (top left) and after the mounting of a representative FS-EES, at various magnifications and states of deformation. The dashed blue boxes at right highlight the outer boundary of the device. The red arrows indicate the direction of compressive strains generated by a contraction of facial muscles. The red dashed box at the top right corresponds to the field of view of the image in the bottom left.

                            Fig 2(D)
           Confocal microscope image (top view) at the vicinity of the contacting interface between an FS-EES laminated on a sample of pig skin. The FS structure and the skin are dyed with red and blue fluorophores, respectively.

                            Fig 2(E)
                               Cross-sectional confocal images at locations corresponding to the numbered, white dashed lines shown in the top-view frame above.
The mechanical properties of the EES depend on the effective modulus and thickness of both the circuits and sensors and the substrate.
Multifunctional operation:
 A key capability of EES is in monitoring electrophysiological (EP) processes related to activity of the brain [electroencephalograms (EEGs)], the heart [electrocardiograms (ECGs)] and muscle tissue [electromyograms (EMGs)]. Amplified sensor electrodes that incorporate silicon metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) in circuits in which all components adopt FS designs provide devices for this purpose. Here, the gate of a FS-MOSFET connects to an extended FS electrode for efficient coupling to the body potential (Fig. 3A; the inset shows an analogous design based on a rectangular device island and FS interconnects) via contact with the skin in a common-source amplifier configuration (Fig.3B, left). The measured frequency response at different input capacitances (CIN) is indicated in Fig. 3B, right, and is in quantitative agreement with circuit simulations (fig. S3, A and B). The value of CIN is determined by a series combination of capacitances of the gate electrode, the encapsulating PI, and junction between the gate electrode and the body surface. The bandwidth matches requirements for high-performance EP recording. A typical layout for this purpose includes four amplified channels, each comprising a FS-MOSFET, a silicon-based FS resistor, and an FS electrode. One channel provides a reference, whereas the others serve as sites for measurement. Results of demonstration experiments appear subsequently.

                            Fig 3 A,B,C
(A) Optical micrographs of an active electrophysiological (EP) sensor with local amplification, as part of an FS-EES. (Left) The source, drain, and gate of silicon MOSFET and a silicon feedback resistor before connection to sensor electrodes, all in FS layouts. (Inset) Similar device with island design. (Right) The final device, after metallization for the interconnects and sensor electrodes, with magnified view (inset). (B) Circuit diagram for the amplified EP sensor shown above (left). (Right) Measured and simulated frequency response for different input capacitance (CIN = ∞, 1μF, 220pF). (C) Optical micrograph of a temperature sensor that uses a platinum resistor with FS interconnects (left) and a strain gauge that uses electrically conductive silicone (CPDMS; right).

(D) Image of an array of microscale AlInGaP LEDs and photo detectors, in an interconnected array integrated on skin, under compressive deformation (left) and of a FS silicon solar cell (right). (E) Image of a FS wireless coil connected to a microscale InGaN LED, powered by inductive coupling to a separate transmission coil (not in the field of view). (F) Optical micrograph of a silicon RF diode. (G) Optical micrograph of an interconnected pair of FS inductors and capacitors designed for RF operation (left).                          
                                Many other classes of semiconductor devices and sensors are also possible in EES, including resistance-based temperature sensors built with meander electrodes, LEDs and photo detectors based on AlInGaP and silicon FS photovoltaic cells Such cells can generate a few tens of microwatts ; increasing the areas or areal coverages can improve the output, but not without compromises in size and mechanics. Wireless powering via inductive effects represents an appealing alternative. An example of an FS inductive coil connected to a microscale InGaN LED is shown in Fig. 3E, with electromagnetic modeling of its RF response. Such coils provide power directly in this example; they can also conceivably be configured to charge future classes of EES-integrated storage capacitors or batteries.
Systems for electrophysiological recording:
         EES configured for measuring ECG, EMG, and EEG in conformal, skin-mounted modes without conductive gels or penetrating needles provide important, system-level demonstrations (fig. S4A and movie S2). All materials that come into direct contact with the skin (Au, PI, and polyester) are biocompatible Devices worn for up to 24 hours or more on the arm, neck, forehead, cheek, and chin showed no degradation or irritation to the skin (figs. S14 and S15). Devices mounted in challenging areas such as the elbow fractured and/or debonded under full-range motion (fig. S16). ECG recordings from the chest  revealed high-quality signals with information on all phases of the heartbeat, including rapid depolarization of the cardiac wave, and the associated QRS complex (Fig. 4A, right).

EMG measured on the leg  with muscle contractions to simulate walking and resting are presented in Fig. 4B, left. The measurements agree remarkably well with signals simultaneously collected using commercial, bulk tin electrodes that require conductive gels, mounted with tapes at the same location (Fig. 4B, right, and fig. S4B, right). An alternative way to view the data (spectrogram) is shown in Fig. 4C, in which the spectral content appears in a color contour plot with frequency and time along the y and x axes, respectively.
To demonstrate EMG recording in a mode in which conventional devices are particularly ill suited, an EES mounted on the throat can monitor muscle activity, noninvasively, during speech (fig. S5A) . Here, recordings collected during vocalization of four words (“up,” “down,” “left,” and “right”), repeated 10 times each (fig. S6) exhibit distinctive patterns, as in Fig. 4D. Measurements from another set of words (“go,” “stop,” and “great”) (figs. S5B and S7) suggest sufficient structure in the signals for recognizing a vocabulary of words. These capabilities create opportunities for EES-based human/machine interfaces. As an example, dynamic time-warping pattern-recognition algorithms applied to throat-based EMG data (Fig. 4D) enable control of a computer strategy game , as illustrated in Fig. 4E. The classifications occur in less than 3 s on a dual-core personal computer running codes in MATLAB (Math Works, Natick, MA), with an accuracy of >90% (fig. S8).

As a human/machine interface, EEG data offer additional promise. EES mounted on a region of the forehead that is first prepared by exfoliating the stratum corneum with Scotch tape yields reproducible, high-quality results, as demonstrated in alpha rhythms recorded from awake subjects with their eyes closed (fig. S9A) . The expected feature at ~10 Hz appears clearly in the Fourier-transformed data of Fig. 4F, left. The spectrogram of Fig. 4F, center, shows similar signatures. This activity disappears when the eyes are open. The signal-to-noise ratios are comparable with those obtained in otherwise identical experiments that used conventional, rigid bulk electrodes with conductive coupling gels. In further demonstrations, EEG measured with EES reveals well-known cognitive phenomena such as the Stroop effect. In these experiments, subjects randomly presented with congruent or incongruent (fig. S9B) colored words whisper the color (not the word) as quickly as possible. The data show that the motor responses pertaining to the whispering are manifested by two peaks at ~650 ms (congruent case) and ~1000 ms (incongruent case), as shown in Fig. 4F, right. The time delay implies that the congruent stimuli require fewer cognitive resources and are quicker to process than are the incongruent ones, which is consistent with the literature.
The materials and mechanics ideas presented here enable intimate, mechanically “invisible,” tight and reliable attachment of high-performance electronic functionality with the surface of the skin in ways that bypass limitations of previous approaches. Many of the EES concepts are fully compatible with small-scale integrated circuits that can be released from ultrathin-body silicon-on-wafer substrates. For long-term use, materials and device strategies to accommodate the continuous efflux of dead cells from the surface of the skin and the processes of transpiration will be needed.

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